Friday, February 21, 2014

Santiago and La Serena - Meeting new peeps - Part 1

After our lovely stay in Valpo, we set off to the big city of Santiago. Now, most people try to steer away from big cities during their travel, but when I got to Santiago, I felt a little bit at home. Public transportation, wall street lifestyle, micro-neighborhoods, and museums for days (Anne, right up your alley) made me feel like I was back in San Francisco. At first I enjoyed it, wondering the endless city streets and viewing the different lifestyle, but towards the end, it seemed a little claustrophobic, like I needed to get ready for work or be doing something to make money...and that's where anxiety kicks in. NO thanks for me. Not when I am traveling. And that was important lesson learned for really my first adventure of traveling on my own....don't get trapped back into your normal ways

Aside from the big city, a few things stand out for me in going to Santiago...and one of them was a big step into my adventure. I really enjoyed hiking up the San Cristobal mountain, checking out the neighborhoods of Bella Vista and Bella Artes, and the castle on Cerro Santa Lucia. Our tour 4 tips was really cool to understand the history of the city, and our visit to the human rights museum really solidified our learning experience of Chilean history. BUT, the best part of the visit to Santiago was meeting my future traveling mates, Charlotte and Marjanneke at La Casa Roja (which by the way was your typical hostel, BUT had a sweet swimming pool and bar in large back yard. Highly recommend it if you want to meet people and be in a cool part of town..Barrio Brazil. Good find Jess). Meeting these girls would setup my adventure to come in La Serena and San Pedro.

La Casa Roja

Funicular coming down San Cristobal

Top of San Cristobal in Santiago

View from Santa Lucia castle

Hiking up San Cristobal

Bella Vista Neighborhood

Best restobar in Santiago!

Hostel Living at La Casa Roja

Burner Billy

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valparaiso....Chile, not Indiana

Bienvenidos to Chile!

After a 4 hour flight to Mexico City, 3 hour layover, followed by a 8 hour flight from Mexico City to Santiago, then a $140 US dollar cab ride for 2 hours to a man who spoke un poco english, I made it to Luna Sonrisa in Santiago! Of course, it took my chaueffer (that's what I am calling him since I was paying him so much) about an hour to actually find the hostel once we got to valp, but once we did, my friends didn't make it easy for me. Because Julia has such a warm heart, she didn't make me keep spitting out broken spanish, and Bob came running down the stairs. I let out a big ol sigh of relief. I finally made it to my friends.

 Luna Sonrisa

 Bob the first day there

After venturing around Valparaiso, the comparisons to San Francisco were tremendous. Hilly, lots of street art, views of the bay, and amazing culture that later did we find out that Valpo was a stopping point for sailors looking to hit the gold rush in California. However, after the opening of the Panama Canal, Valparaiso became a stagnant port. Regardless, I had a lovely time in Valpo. Julia was the best host and we enjoyed a lot of good laughs together with her, bob, and jess. We saw the city, the beaches in vina del mar & quintar (where I got stung by a bee in the mouth and we hitched a ride home), and amazing chorrillana!

Vista de Valparaiso

Bee Sting with View of Quintay in the Background

Chorrillana - Meat, egg, cheese, and papas fritas

Street Art

Street Art

More to come, but Valpo was a great way to start off this trip! 
